We are pleased to support EdTech Month 2023. We will learn from international and local experts how we can apply AI and other technologies to motivate learning, optimize learning outcomes and minimize workload and costs. We may also find new business opportunities with award winning EdTech ventures from around the world as they are expanding their footprints in Asia.
切勿錯過即將舉行精彩萬分的#教育科技月 活動。你將從國際和本地專家中學習到如何應用 人工智能 和不同 科技 來激發學習動力,優化學習成果,並減輕工作量和達至更高經濟效益。來自世界各地的得獎教育科技公司正在擴大在亞洲的業務版圖,你還可以與他們探索合作機會。
立刻查看為 教育工作者、商界、教育科技初創公司、基金會、家長 和 學生 準備的一系列會議和工作坊。大部分的活動均免費入場。
詳情和報名: www.edtechmonth.hk
Our members can enjoy a supporting organization discount rate for the networking lunch on Oct 13 with the discount code "EdTechEZ" till September 28.