Dr. Robert P. Lee
(李本能 博士/教授)
Dr. Lee is a pioneer of the high-tech industry, spending the first half of his career managing large organizations in Fortune 100 companies, and the second half as a serial entrepreneur. During his tenure, he conducted business globally, and in the last 20 years, he was heavily involved with running businesses in North America, Greater China, Japan and Europe. From 2010-2020, he was Professor-of-Practice and Adjunct Professor at The Chinese University of Hong Kong Business School (taught MBA students) where he also served as an Advisory Board Member of the CUHK Center for Entrepreneurship. Until late 2012 (when the company was acquired), he was Executive Chairman of Achievo Corporation (one of the largest IT services companies). He co-founded Achievo in early 2002 and served as its Chairman and CEO until December 2008, when the company reached over 2500 people in size (mostly engineers in China, Japan, Germany, US and China). From 2002 to 2007, he was also CEO of Accela, Inc. (board member from 1999-2013) and led that company to become a dominant government enterprise software firm in the US. Until November 2001, he was president and CEO of Inxight Software, a XeroxPARC spinout that tripled in revenues and raised outside venture funding under his leadership (now part of SAP). Before Inxight, he was chairman, CEO and president of Insignia Solutions, a software company he transformed and took public on NASDAQ in 1995. Previously, he was executive vice president of Symantec (NASDAQ: SYMC - software), where among many achievements, he acquired and integrated 6 companies, including Norton Computing, which became a legendary M&A success story in the Silicon Valley. Dr. Lee was senior vice president of Shared Medical Systems (since acquired by Siemens) and was at IBM for 11 years (responsible for its worldwide office systems software, healthcare industry software, overall software engineering and various systems/communications software). During his 11-year tenure at IBM, Dr. Lee became one of their fastest rising product executives (promoted 8 times and relocated 6 times). Dr. Lee started his hi-tech industry career at Computer Sciences Corporation in 1973, serving as principal network engineer for CSC’s INFONET computer network. Dr. Lee is currently on the board of Osel, Inc., a biopharmaceutical startup, and was previously on the boards of S3, Inc. (NASDAQ: SIII - semiconductor) and SONICblue (NASDAQ: SBLU - digital media devices). He also serves as advisor to various Western and Chinese companies and investment funds, besides being a venture partner, limited partner and angel investor himself. He is the Global Chairman of the Board of Trustee of the AAMA (Asia America MultiTechnology Association) and Chairman of the AAMA (GBA).
Dr. Lee holds Ph.D. and MS degrees from UCLA, and a BA from UC Berkeley, all in computer science. He resides in the Silicon Valley.
李本能博士是一位全球高科技先鋒,對國際國內市場有著深厚的認識。他事業的上半期在全球100強高科技企業內管理大型機構,下半期是一位多次成功的企業家。他是香港中文大學商學院的MBA教授(創業實踐教授2010-2014;客座教授2014-2020);他還是香港中文大學創業研究中心咨詢委員會。直到2012年底 (大展公司被收購前),他是大展集團(中國最大的IT服務公司之一)的執行主席。李博士2002年初共同創辦大展, 並擔任其董事長兼首席執行官直到2008年底。該公司規模超過2500人(工程師分布在中國,日本,德國,美國,加拿大)。在2002-2005年,他還是美國Accela軟件公司的首席執行官(並任1999-2013年董事會董事),並領導該公司成為美國的領先電子政務軟件公司。直到2001年底他是Inxight軟件公司CEO。Inxight是施樂公司–PARC (帕洛阿爾托研究中心)的分拆公司(現在是SAP的分公司)。在他的領導下該公司收入迅速增長三倍,並成功收到風險投資。Inxight公司之前,他是Insignia Solutions董事長兼首席執行官,1995年他帶該軟件公司在美國納斯達克(NASDAQ)上市。在此之前,他在賽門鐵克(Symantec)軟件公司任執行副總裁(NASDAQ:SYMC - 軟件),除了令該公司業務迅速增長,他的成就包括收購和整合6家公司,其中有收購諾頓(Norton)電腦公司的硅谷傳奇成功故事。李博士是SMS醫療系統公司高級副總裁(之後被西門子公司收購),也在IBM 11年(辦公系統軟件,醫療行業軟件,整個軟件工程和各系統/通訊軟件負責人)和在CSC軟件公司多年。李博士目前在Osel公司(生物制藥)當董事,並以前在S3公司(NASDAQ:SIII - 半導體)和SONICblue(NASDAQ:SBLU - 數字媒體裝置)當董事。他現在還為多家中國和美國的公司和投資基金當顧問, 本人也是一個風險投資合伙人,有限合伙人以及天使投資者。他是AAMA(亞美多科技協會)受託董事長,亞傑商會 大湾区分會 主席。
李本能博⼠擁有美國加州⼤學洛杉磯分校博⼠學位和碩⼠學位,以及加州⼤學伯克利分校學⼠學位(計算機科學)。他住 在硅⾕。