Mr Roland Morales
Director, Corporate Mission International Limited
AAMA亚杰 (大湾区) 协会资深会员
莫偉樂現為慧樂國際有限公司的董事,該公司是一家專門從事數據中心業務和資訊安全策略策的管理顧問公司。莫先生是一位在IT、電信和數據中心等領域經驗豐富的主管,擁有超過30年的亞太地區工作經驗。他曾在CBRE、Digital Realty、Verizon和BT等知名跨國企業擔任高階領導職務。
Roland Morales
Director, Corporate Mission International Limited
Charter Member, AAMA (GBA)
Roland serves as the Director of Corporate Mission International Limited, a management consultancy firm specializing in data center and information security strategies. A seasoned executive in IT, telecommunications and data centers, Roland brings over 30 years of experience in the Asia-Pacific region. He has held senior leadership roles at renowned multinational companies, including CBRE, Digital Realty, Verizon, and BT.
Roland holds an MBA and is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and a Certified Information Security Professional (CISP).